Emergency Shelter

When seeking a temporary safe-place to stay, Hope Shores Alliance is here to help. Whether you are seeking safety from sexual violence, dating violence, stalking or domestic violence we understand it is not often an easy transition to temporary emergency shelter. Our trained and compassionate advocates are available to support you through this process. We offer a violence-free and safe environment allowing survivors to access temporary shelter and support as well as emotional and physical healing.

If our emergency shelter is full, or if the communal living shelter is not the right fit for you or your family, we can offer options such as assistance locating and transporting to another shelter, or we may be able to offer a motel-model of temporary shelter services, depending on resource availability. This means that we are able to put you in a motel/hotel for a short period of time while we safety-plan with you and figure out longer term solutions of for your safety needs.

If you are seeking temporary emergency shelter, call our 24-Hour Help and Support Line at 800.396.9129 to speak with an advocate about your options.

Long Term Housing

Our housing advocates and advocacy team work with you to address barriers to obtaining or maintaining safe, affordable, and permanent housing. Housing advocacy includes help with locating and completing housing applications, transportation, and referrals in obtaining financial assistance.

We also have two long term housing programs – one with units owned and managed by our organization and one voucher based program that allows you to choose the location of your housing in any of the following five counties: Alcona, Alpena, Iosco, Montmorency, and Presque Isle. Advocates will assist you in your housing search and will support you by initiating landlord contact.

To talk with one of our housing advocates or learn more about our housing advocacy services call our 24-Hour Help and Support Line at 800.396.9129.

Transitional Supportive Housing Applications


Enrolment is currently closed. Please check in with your advocate and this section of the website for updates and open enrolment periods. 

Completed applications may be mailed to P.O. Box 797 Alpena, MI, or dropped off at any of our office locations.

Eligibility Requirements:

You may call 989.356.2560 for more information.

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